2018-06-26 13:54

Top 10 most visited websites in May 2018

International Internet measurement and consultancy company Gemius has published the Top 10 most visited websites in Estonia in May 2018. Web page with the biggest number Real Users from all devices in May was postimees.ee, followed by delfi.ee and ohtuleht.ee. Toidutare.ee is the only webpage that has shown an increase of Real Users in total whereas a decrease has been noted in all Top 10 sites for visits from computers.

Postimees.ee has been admitted as the most popular webpage in May as it has reached a total of 610 000 Real Users which is about -4 000 or -1 percent less than in April. News portal delfi.ee takes the second place showing a total of 560 000 people which is about -3 000 or -1 percent less than in the previous month. The top three is closed by ohtuleht.ee with 290 000 persons (about -4 000 or -1 percent less than previously).

The site toidutare.ee wich takes the 10th position in May Top, is the only webpage that has shown an increase of Real Users. Compared to April, it has reached around +6 000 more persons (+6 percent) from all platforms, i.e., from computers, mobile phones and tablets combined, reaching a total of 102 000 persons in May. Kuldnebors.ee, which in the overall Top places in the 9th position with 124 000 persons, has shown the biggest drop in Real Users, namely, by -5 percent less than before. However, the biggest numerical drop was noted for the site auto24.ee which has shown a total of 239 000 Real Users - about -10 000 less than in April. Nonetheless, it should be noted that auto24.ee reached a rather large increase in visitors in April and the current drop in Real Users is due to the normalization process in their visitor numbers.

Real Users and computers


The top three most visited pages from computers remain the same as from all platforms, namely, in first place postimees.ee with 480 000 Real Users, followed by delfi.ee with 460 000 Real Users and the top three is concluded with ohtuleht.ee with 210 000 Real Users. Unfortunately, all Top 10 sites have shown a drop in Real Users if compared to April. The biggest drops in Real User numbers have shown the Top's 6th and 5th place sites tv3.ee (127 00 Real Users) and auto24.ee (167 000) with -10 000 and -9 000 less Real Users respectively.

Changes in Real User visitors from mobile phones


Although the Top 3 most commonly visited sites in Estonia from mobile phones remain the same as from computers, the Top 10 shows a slightly different composition. For example, the site sky.ee which does not show reach the Top 10 from PCs or overall statistics has reached the mobile phone Top’s 7th place with nearly 44 000 Real Users. With +3 000 Real Users (+7 percent) sky.ee has shown one of the highest increase of Real User visits from mobile phones in May. However, the site toidutare.ee shows a slightly larger increase in Real User visits from mobile phones, namely, with 49 000 Real Users it has shown an increase of nearly +6 000 Real Users or +11 percent. At the same time, the highest drop in Real Users from mobile phones, similarly as with Real User visits from computers, was noted for the site auto24.ee with -4 000 Real Users (-3 percent).

Changes in Real User numbers from tablets


The biggest numerical increase in Real User visits from tablets was noted for the news portal delfi.ee (149 000 Real Users) with +4 000 users, however, the biggest percent increase similarly as with Real User visits from mobile phones was noted on toidutare.ee (16 000 Real Users) with +8 percent. The biggest numerical and percent decrease in Real User visits from tablets was shown on the site kuldnebors.ee (18 000 Real Users) with -900 or -5 percent.



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