2019-02-13 08:03

Gemius review of internet usage tendencies in Estonia in 2018

International internet technology and research company Gemius has collected and reviewed data about internet usage tendencies in Estonia in 2018. Total number of Real Users in the country from all platforms together has increased by 13 000 people or by 9 percent. On average one internet user has browsed the web for 12 hours each month from all platforms together.

According to gemiusAudience data, in 2018 the number of Real Users from all platforms together (that is, from computers, mobile phones, and tablets together) in Estonia has increased by 13 000 people or by 2 percent, where at the start of the year there were around 811 000 internet users within the country whereas at the end of the year – around 824 000. On average there were around 819 000 internet users in Estonia per month, from which about 703 000 used computers and 621 000 used mobile phones to browse the web. 49 percent of all Estonian internet users are females, but 51 percent – males.

On average one Real User has browsed the internet in Estonia for 9 hours from computers and 5 hours from mobile phones every month. In total one user spent around 12 hours browsing the web each month from all platforms together.

On average, in Estonia about 380 882 000 page views per month are made from computers, 250 821 000 from mobile phones and 668 341 000 page views per month are made from all platforms together. In 2018, around 1 824 000 internet indentificators (browser IDs) per month has visited Estonian sites that take part in gemiusAudience study. Moreover, during 2018 the number of browser IDs has increased by 18%.


gemiusAudience is based on data about internet audience that is aged between 15 and 74 years of age, is from the territory of Estonian state and visit sites from computers, mobile phones, and tablets. gemiusAudience research is based on a complex and modern methodology that allows to see the number of real persons (Real Users) within a page, rather than looking at cookies or IP addresses that do not show the number of actual persons visiting the relevant page. To sign up for gemiusAudience research or to find out more information about it please write to kontakt@gemius.ee.


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